My experience

It is one of the most widely consumed foods in sub-Saharan Africa due to its diversity of processing and easy cultivation on both generous and infertile soils : the cassava floor. It 's production is the main source of income for the women of Zogpébimé. Bellow some pictures of each step of the production process which lasts about 1 day....

We managed to collect the amount initially set of 1037 € and have distributed all counterparties to every participants. Thanks to them, today the women of the collective of Zogbépimé will received a new machine. It will allow them to work in better conditions and reduced their production cost.

ESDEV communication was also one of the main purpose of my mission. Communication is a fundamental tool especially for an association. We needed to be known firstly for our crowdfunding campaign because when people were interesting to make a donation it was important for them to see who we are and who they are going to help. Secondly for...

Sodabi, this very famous spirit in the west africain region does not have a healthy reputation. Only a limited number of craftsmens know about it's manufacturer in discreet area.

The blacksmith is essential in a Togolese village. This activity is most of the time reserved to men because of the physical effort asking. During hours, he steel size to make tools for the field resold to farmers. On this picture you can see the blacksmith at right holding the piece of steel, at left the worker hitting the...

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